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Treatment Methods


Acupuncture is a time-tested method for restoring and maintaining health. It has been used in many parts of the world for thousands of years, and since its introduction to the West, acupuncture has become one of the most proven and well-known forms of "alternative" medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) recognize that acupuncture is safe and effective for treating a wide range of health concerns.

Acupuncture treatment involves inserting thin, sterile needles into specific points in the body. Points are selected based on a detailed understanding — developed over centuries — of how the energy in the body flows. These energetically active points are strategically chosen to stimulate your body's ability to heal itself, to re-establish the proper functioning of muscles, nerves, blood vessels, glands and organs. 

Acupuncture also promotes a release of physical and emotional stress, muscular relaxation, the activation of the immune system, control of anti-inflammatory mechanisms,  acceleration of tissue healing, and pain relief. Acupuncture enhances systematic healing of the whole body.


Herbal medicine is one of the principle branches of treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbal formulas are fully customized to the patient's specific needs, and can be used as the primary mode of treatment or in conjunction with acupuncture. In both instances, they are used to help correct imbalances and promote wellness. Daily herbal therapy at home helps to maintain the focus of the treatment goals in between acupuncture visits and supports your constitution. Herbal formulae are adjusted in accordance to change in your condition. Herbal products used are safe, tested for quality assurance, fully compliant with the FDA and meet high performance standards. 


Cupping is done by creating a vacuum in glass cups over the surface of a patient’s body.  This technique increases blood circulation over the treatment area; it releases stagnant energy and congested fluids, and can also alleviate pain. It is commonly used for muscle pain, chest congestion and body detox. If your body is stagnant, it will leave distinct reddish-purple marks on the area it is administered for up to a week.


Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that is used over acupuncture points and meridians. This technique incorporates the burning of a Chinese herb called Artemesia Vulgaris, which is commonly known as 'Mugwort'. Held at a distance over acupuncture points, moxa is an effective way to open up channels and promote energy flow in the areas of the body that are closed due to stagnation, cold, or deficiency. 


Energy work is a form of holistic medicine which promotes healing by enhancing energy flow and by correcting disturbances in the "human energy field" or "aura." Energy healing works purely with the energetic level of our being that permeates and surrounds the body. Since everything is made up of patterns of energy, working directly with energy influences the physical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual levels. It helps to restore, improve and maintain health and well being. Methods used during energy healing session may include Qi Gong, Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Matrix Energetics.


Guided meditation and breath work is offered in conjunction with treatments when needed in order to relieve tension and bring your body and mind into balance. Meditation is proven to increase white blood cell count and immunity, lower stress, promote happiness, improve quality of sleep and sense of well-being.